Rapid Bid & Proposal risk management support

Bids and Proposals are the period during which risk management can have the most dramatic effects (at minimal cost) in ensuring that the proposition is successful and the resultant project has the best possible chance of delivering the objectives to time, budget and quality.

This is because everyone has the most flexibility at bid and proposal stage in the selection of solutions, designs, suppliers, materials etc. However, the bid/proposal stage is always time and resource-critical.  Consequently,  the risk management element of the bid often becomes rushed or an afterthought.

We have extensive experience of rapidly developing risk assessments in bids and proposals, and have developed a range of techniques to ensure that a risk assessment can be created quickly in time for it to influence the course of the bid. We also have the technology to quickly produce polished risk management plan submissions in proposals.

We can provide this as a complete solution, running focussed collaborative workshops, rapidly capturing the data in RiskAid, providing your team with instant access to refine it, and then producing the polished risk management part of the submission to your precise requirements. You may well find that our experience can be helpful, in suggesting possible approaches and solutions that you may not have considered, based upon our experience in a wide range of market sectors.

Please book an online demonstration for an informal 30 minutes view of our RiskAid support in action.

Take the risk out of choice Book Your Demo Now